Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hot Guys in Fantasy Art - Exotica by Flondo

Fantasy Beefcake Has Arrived

As you may know, late last year we reviewed Exotique 5, the latest in their "best in CG characters" series. If you thought the latter had just one too many babes (as fantasy art collections almost invariably are), and your inner amazon longed for something meatier in the other gender, the talented Flondo (Frederick London) has published Exotica.

The cover more than says it all in terms of what to expect. It weighs in at 40 pages, comes in softcover or two styles of hardcover. Search/image tags include "naked" and "sword".

The artist has been picky about having his work splashed all over the internet (and I expect I'll be poo-pooed for filching the cover off the book's web page), so unfortunately we shan't be promoting it more than this blog post and premium webspace on our blog. However! -- There is more than enough to see at the book's web page, and I urge you to check out the wide range of genres and costumes presented in Exotica. Some points to ponder in the preview:

  • On page 3 (so soon!) gives us hope that it'll be an equal opportunity book not dominated by bronzed caucasians who look like too-beautiful Spartans.

  • Page 7 has a curious man/child juxtaposition that challenges our first impressions of someone with a lightly bearded "Brad Pitt" and seductive eyes.

  • Page 15 wears a corset, traditionally the province of dominatrixes with cleavage to accentuate.

(If you don't want a premium coffee table book, you can also get Flondo's artwork on an array of Zazzle merchandise as well.)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Fantasy Art of Cesar Dacol Jr.

Cesar Dacol Jr. has worked in the film industry for 20 years, starting his career in the makeup effects industry and transitioning to CG in the mid 90s. With a background in anatomy and traditional sculpting, he has worked as Lead and Modeling Supervisor, contributing to feature films such as Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D, 300, Barnyard and Fantastic Four. Cesar worked as Character Modeler and Technical Director at CORE Film Productions for The Wild and served a three-year term as Adjunct Professor in Advanced Polygonal Character Modeling at Sheridan College. He is a beta team member for Pixologic’s ZBrush, and an instructor for CGSociety’s CGWorkshops.

Wolf Blood - Cesar Dacol Jr.

Yeti - Cesar Dacol Jr.


A portfolio of Cesar Dacol Jr.'s work is featured in d'artiste Character Modelling 3: "The book begins with the work of Cesar Dacol Jr. where he draws upon 20 years of experience working in the movie industry to create three very different creature designs from concept sketch through to textured final render. Cesar's philosophy on working in the creative industry is well-explained, and his personal gallery showcases the many movie influences in his career."

For anyone particularly interested in the nitty-gritty of 3D modelling, Ballistic Publishing has an interesting offer for the first 500 customers: "Ballistic Publishing are pushing the educational possibilities for 3D artists even further with d'artiste Character Modelling 3 by making two of the featured tutorial characters available as downloadable high-resolution models. What better way to understand the 3D modeling process than by looking closely at the final meshes of these renowned character modelers? The first 500 customers who pre-order d’artiste Character Modeling 3 slipcase edition and all Limited Edition customers will receive a download link allowing them to start exploring the models in the book. The featured models are Giovanni Nakpil’s quadruped creature, and Cesar Dacol Jr’s Pond Guardian creature."

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010