Wednesday, December 31, 2008

WASP 12 - SpellForce Human Units


Wednesday Art Showcase Presents - SpellForce

Fantasy Art and Portraits: A showcase of the fantasy art of computer games

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Fantasy Art of Camilla M. Drakenborg

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Camilla M. Drakenborg. Her CG art tends to dark and gothic themes, and often strives for realism in the models (though you may notice the degrees of success vary quite a bit). But do have a look at her entire collection for a wider range of work, including a few gems, such as the ones featured here:

Visions of tomorrow by *Drakenborg on deviantART

Tears of glas by *Drakenborg on deviantART

Bird of the ancient by *Drakenborg on deviantART

Hearts play by *Drakenborg on deviantART

(She also has a small gallery on ArtZone, which features a nice mix from the larger DeviantArt gallery. The website indicated in the pieces there was not active at the time this blog was written.)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Fantasy Art of Oliver Wetter

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Oliver Wetter. Embedded in the various comments on his artwork, you will find extensive illustration credits, though you may not have seen many of the books involved outside of Germany.

ANGEL of SORROW by =fantasio on deviantART

The Harp by =fantasio on deviantART

WALL - W.ith A. L.ittle L.ove by =fantasio on deviantART

I see something you dont see by =fantasio on deviantART

When worlds collide by =fantasio on deviantART

S P E L L B O U N D by =fantasio on deviantART

Friday, December 26, 2008

40 Years of Art - The Artwork of CJ Conner

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

Today, I'd like to introduce the art of CJ Conner. In her forty (40!) years of making art (since she was just 19), her work has spanned a variety of subjects, including fantasy; however, it is scenes and subjects of nature that appear to be a particular passion of hers.

Artwork by CJ Conner 1

Artwork by CJ Conner 4

Artwork by CJ Conner 2

Artwork by CJ Conner 3

Artwork by CJ Conner 9

Artwork by CJ Conner 6

Artwork by CJ Conner 8

Artwork by CJ Conner 7

Artwork by CJ Conner 5

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Mr. ClausMrs. Claus

Hi Everyone!

If you've been following my Weekly Art Showcase Presents posts, THANK YOU!

I'd just like to say, however, that I will be discontinuing it at various locations elsewhere. So if you arrived at this blog by following one of my WASP posts from another site, do know that it will continue here, but you may have seen the last post from the site you came from. I feel I am overextended on social networking sites, and this will be the last post on those sites.

I will instead be focussing in these three areas:

(1) My website, Fantasy Art and Portraits to add content more aggressively. It will continue to showcase the fantasy art of computer games, and I invite you to visit the site and subscribe to the RSS feed to get regular updates.

(2) My blog, where I'm swamped with so many more wonderful artists than I have time to feature! I aim to continue blog about a fantasy artist or fantasy art site everyday, 6 AM PST. I will also focus more effort on identifying talented but virtually unknown artists. If someone who's featured is too famous, definitely let me know. (^_^)

(3) A few social networking sites here and there. I have made many friends in the last few months, but haven't had the time to properly connect with them. With the time freed up, I hope to do just that.

Thanks again for reading my posts and looking at the wonderful art. Happy Holidays!

Mrs. Claus

Mr. Claus

In case you're wondering -- No, this isn't photoshopped. This outfit actually shipped with Titan Quest.

(Why are fishnets so hot? Check out their appearance in Heroes V.)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rapid Fantasy Character Prototyping with Dress-up Games

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

Today, I'd like to introduce a neat "dress-up game" site, i-Dressup. You may feel that dress-up games are mostly girly things with girl models for girls with far too much time on their hands wanting to dress-up other girls in a ridiculous array of girly costumes.

And maybe you're right. But do try out their fantasy section. The array of costumes and components you can use may be just the thing when you're looking for inspiration. Want an online avatar pic? Do you play role-playing games and want to visualize a character? The large palette at i-Dressup has 69 models in the Fantasy category alone.

Screenshot from i-Dressup

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Fantasy Art of Claudio Aboy

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Claudio Aboy. While this Argentinian artist has made considerable contributions to that sex-and-violence fantasy magazine Heavy Metal, his personal website reveals much a portfolio wider than shamelessly sexual images. There you'll find a seemingly chaotic mix including Zorro, photo-realistic motorcycles, and (tasteful) homages to Marilyn Monroe.

Claudio Aboy Christmas Greeting Card

Hellina by Claudio Aboy

Sword in Stone by Claudio Aboy

Angel by Claudio Aboy

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Funny or Creepy? Celebrity Fantasy Art

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

I'm sure everyone has their favourite celebrity. Maybe some people even fantasize meeting their favourite celebrity. Where does putting a celebrity in your scantily clad fantasy fall in the continuum of normal -> harmless -> creepy?

TAKE ONE original painting by Lorenzo Sperlonga ("The Huntress")

The Huntress, by Lorenzo Sperlonga

ADD ONE hapless celebrity

Christina Applegate

TO GET ???

Christina Applegate as The Huntress - MTBike fantasy fake

Your three favourite actresses in ... a writhing fantasy?

Snaky Triples celebrity fake, by the Shamman

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Worth Visiting - The Fantasy Art of Volkan Baga

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Volkan Baga. His beautifully detailed art has appeared in the Magic: The Gathering collectible card game; and more recently, as a series of monk portraits in a "The Name of the Rose" board game.

Durae Crystalshield, by Volkan Baga

Memri the Channeler, by Volkan Baga

Sauron's Fall by Volkan Baga

Celebrant of Peace (sketch) by Volkan Baga



Friday, December 19, 2008

The Fantasy Art of Stanley Lau

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Stanley Lau, a.k.a. "Artgerm". His beautiful artwork includes a considerable number of commercial characters, and arcade fighting game fans will recognize many favourites from the various incarnations of such games as Street Fighter and Soul Caliber. More recently he may be better known for his "Pepper" character, who developed such an impressive fan following that a "Pepper Project" was launched. Some of the entries for this art collection may be browsed here, but the best ones have apparently been removed as the final collection is available for purchase.

Chun Li Style by Artgerm



Da Qiao (Generals Order) by Artgerm

Xiao Qiao (Generals Order) by Artgerm

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Kreativ Blogger Award

On the morning of December 18th, 2008, I found a message on Twitter that Mulluane of Dragons, Heroes, and Wizards and The Old Bat's Belfry nominated this very Fantasy Art Blog for the Kreativ Blogger Award!

Her Dragons, Heroes, and Wizards, a site of comprehensive fantasy book reviews, was itself a recipient of this award.

Kreativ Blogger Award icon

Here are the rules for the Kreativ Blogger Award:

1. Mention the blog that gave it to you.

2. Comment on their blog to let them know you have posted the award.

3. Share 6 values that are important to you.

4. Share 6 things you do not support.

5. Share the love with six other wonderful blogging friends.

Over the next few weeks, I will work on the remainder of the list, especially item 5 -- As the likes of Dragons, Heroes, and Wizards and Dark Wolf's Fantasy Reviews have already received this award, I think it'll get progressively harder and harder to find really great blogs to nominate. And I don't want to just slap on any six blogs.

For now, I'm posting this to acknowledge and thank Mulluane, and, in case you missed it previewed on my sidebar blog roll, to congratulate Dark Wolf on already well-deservedly receiving the award.

As I fill in the blanks, I will bump up the date of this post to keep you abreast.

(Coming Soon...)

6 values important to me:







6 things I do not support:







6 wonderful blogs and friends:

1. (added Dec 29th, 2008) boyofbow's weblog: For beautiful pictures everyday (both photography and artwork), without the chatter. If you're not into reading and following links, Alistair Philips's simple format of thumbnails lets you quickly decide if you want to see a particular piece in greater detail.






Mice with Wings and Other Things - Fairy Mice!

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

I'm not sure what's going on, but I seem to be attracting pesky fairies all over the place. Today, it's "yet another" fairy art post -- not quite your run-of-the-mill fairy art, though. It's fairy mice! (plus a smattering of dragons and unicorns). Please enjoy the whimsical artwork of Jennifer L. Nilsson.

Mouser-Kins banner 1

If you should fall under the spell of her charming artwork, she is having a Christmas blowout that includes FREE gift on all orders -- But only until December 20th. (Yeah, I know -- Only two days left. Depending on your geographic location and when you're reading this.)

Mouser-Kins banner 2

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

WASP 10 - Armour of the Immortal Guard

Wednesday Art Showcase Presents - The Fantasy Art of Titan Quest

Armour of the Immortal Guard

m Armour of the Immortal Guard or Babylonian Raiment

f Armour of the Immortal Guard or Babylonian Raiment

Click image for full-size image at Flickr. Link to Flickr is mandatory per Flickr terms of use. All images are copyrighted by their respective owners.

Fantasy Art and Portraits: A showcase of the fantasy art of computer games

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Worth Visiting - The Fantasy Art of Linda Bergkvist

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Linda Bergkvist. While this Swedish artist's online galleries (on Epilogue and DeviantART) do not appear to be recently or frequently updated, she can count among her somewhat recent credits working on the "Golden Compass" movie as a conceptual artist. In January 2008, she cited on her website furiae that she was working on masks -- and it's definitely worth a look.

as the crows sing by Furiae

gone by furiae

glimpse of summer by furiae

Monday, December 15, 2008

Super Realistic? You Decide! The Fantasy Art of Howard David Johnson.

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Howard David Johnson. His website promotes his art as "super realistic", and key characters in each picture, like this small selection from his "Legendary Women of Antiquity" do receive attention in such details as the contours at the knees (often overlooked in, say, simpler CG art); in addition to excellent detail on arms and armour.

But is it "super-realistic"? Ultimately, you, the viewer will have to decide!

Joan of Arc, by Howard David Johnson

Queen Zenobia of Palmyra, by Howard David Johnson

Warrior Queen Boudica, by Howard David Johnson

Sunday, December 14, 2008

What's Disney Playing? -- Avalanche Software

Hi Everyone!

As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Avalanche Software: "Avalanche is a subsidiary of Disney Interactive Studios (DIS), a unit of The Walt Disney Company, focusing on creation of video games based on Disney intellectual properties in addition to the creation of new properties."

They have a gorgeous website, but the blog's where the art action is: "This blog is a vehicle to help keep us creatively fresh and help us sharpen our skills... but mostly for fun."

Perun and Veles, by Adam Ford

Snow Monster, by Ben Simonsen

Sorceress of Greyskull, by Emil DeGrey

(Apologies to Emil Degray, but I think the original Sorceress of Greyskull (below) was a lot hotter than this. (-_^)

The Sorceress of Greyskull