Hi Everyone!
If you've been following my Weekly Art Showcase Presents posts, THANK YOU!
I'd just like to say, however, that I will be discontinuing it at various locations elsewhere. So if you arrived at this blog by following one of my WASP posts from another site, do know that it will continue here, but you may have seen the last post from the site you came from. I feel I am overextended on social networking sites, and this will be the last post on those sites.
I will instead be focussing in these three areas:
(1) My website, Fantasy Art and Portraits to add content more aggressively. It will continue to showcase the fantasy art of computer games, and I invite you to visit the site and subscribe to the RSS feed to get regular updates.
(2) My blog, where I'm swamped with so many more wonderful artists than I have time to feature! I aim to continue blog about a fantasy artist or fantasy art site everyday, 6 AM PST. I will also focus more effort on identifying talented but virtually unknown artists. If someone who's featured is too famous, definitely let me know. (^_^)
(3) A few social networking sites here and there. I have made many friends in the last few months, but haven't had the time to properly connect with them. With the time freed up, I hope to do just that.
Thanks again for reading my posts and looking at the wonderful art. Happy Holidays!

In case you're wondering -- No, this isn't photoshopped. This outfit actually shipped with Titan Quest.
(Why are fishnets so hot? Check out their appearance in Heroes V.)
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