As you know, my website presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.
Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Kristin Cornell. She has a personal medusa.
My favourites are her unicorn in "Sunset", with the cool look and a line under the nose which could either be a facial contour or a smirk (too bad about that fairy in the way, though ^_^); and her August dragon, "Peridot" that has an interesting helmet and tail, both of which swirl organically from the smoky background. Her gallery on her personal site has a very nice and easy design, but larger pictures are sometimes available at DeviantART (where every artist and their dog has a page).

In addition to prints, her art is available on bookmarks (interesting yarn on the Peridot). I have to say, however, that I'm still undecided how Christmassy her artwork is as ornaments.

If I haven't been turned to stone, I will blog again tomorrow, same time.
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