Com Prémio Dardos se reconhecem os valores que cada blogueiro emprega ao transmitir valores culturais, éticos, literários, pessoais, etc. que, em suma, demonstram sua criatividade através do pensamento vivo que está e permanece intacto entre suas letras, entre suas palavras. Esses selos foram criados com a intenção de promover a confraternização entre os blogueiros, uma forma de demonstrar carinho e reconhecimento por um trabalho que agregue valor à Web.
(direct Google Translation from Portuguese)
"With Prix Darts is recognize the values that each blogger uses to transmit cultural values, ethical, literary, personal, etc.. that, in short, demonstrate their creativity through the thought that is alive and remains intact from their letters, between his words. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for a job that add value to the Web."
Hi Everyone!
If you've followed this young blog for a little while, you may know that it was recently awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award. I found out just today that Dark Wolf of the respected Dark Wolf's Fantasy Reviews has nominated me for Prémio Dardos, which recognizes the merits of a blog that adds value to the great internet dialogue.
Everyone knows the old game "Chinese Whispers" or "Telephone" that illustrates how word of mouth can rapidly deteriorate a message, so I post verbatim the rules as written on Dark Wolf's blog post, including item #5, left intact:
1. be tickled pink ;)
2. copy and paste the award picture to your blog
3. write down the regulations
4. link the blog who bestowed you the Award
5. and finally nominate 15 blogs for the Award
Given the intent of the prize as handed down to my humble self, and the seriousness I would like to treat it to honour the origin of the award, I feel that I do not yet know a full fifteen blogs that have such considerable merit for me to recommend to you yet (heck, I can't even name fifteen good blogs off the top of my head).
So for now, here are my nominees, and the reasons why. As time goes by, just as with the Kreativ Blogger Award, I will add to the list and finally finish the nomination process.
1. Jeannette Maw's Good Vibe Blog.
Her Twitter bio reads, "Challenging belief systems, playing with energy, knowing everything's possible in creating effortless magic & miracles in real life!" If you're struggling to believe and to live the Law of Attraction, her personal stories of challenging and changing her beliefs posted on her closely-followed Good Vibe Blog are worth reading.
2. Sarah Hoopes's Age 16. It is her diary from 10 or more years ago, with names changed but otherwise verbatim ac litteratim: word for word, letter for letter. Is this egotism? Catharsis? Boredom? Is it literature for reality show voyeurs? Private sacred rubbish? Does every teenage girl have a thing about vampires? You decide.
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