As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.

Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Jason Engle, whose work includes many card games and roleplaying games that are insanely popular but which might be off-radar for many art lovers: Games Workshop, White Wolf, Fleer, Upper Deck, AEG, Paizo, World of Warcraft, Everquest, Vampire: The Maquerade, Legend of the Five Rings, Dungeons and Dragons.
His personal website is simple yet gorgeous, and probably the best place to take in his extensive portfolio. There's a lot there and trust me -- you DON'T want to rush through it. It's best savoured in several sittings, taking in one or two pages at a time.

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